Unbelievably, February 2015 is already nearly at an end! Can anyone tell us where the past 2 months have gone? They’ve dissolved quicker than foam on a lousy beer! Let’s have a quick travel back in time to the Cape Town Festival of Beer in November…
Belgian Beer Company had an absolute blast with their stand! With the awesome Vedett Beer fridge stacked to the max, it could only lead to Extra cool times. Fuzzy? Excited? Hot, or Large?
The choice was yours with the stunning Vedett Star Frame. Lots of laughs were had and many interesting alter egos seemed to come out when masks were donned and Extra large speech bubbles picked.
There were robed Monks giving chase and an involuntarily wandering Maredsous chalice, but all ended brilliantly with fantastic vibes. Ah, yes … CTFOB is not a memory mirage and did actually happen. And at the rate this year is going, it’s going to be in full swing again faster than you can say Duvel!