October, 2014 | Belgian Beer Company Belgian Beer Company
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Monthly Archives: October 2014

Here’s Lookin at Ya, Liefie!

IMG_1913What seems like an Extra-ordinarily long time ago, it was mentioned that our daring Duvel Van would be getting a pretty little acquaintance with which to zoom around the Cape Town area with.

Ladies, and Gentlemen … presenting … Liefie.



Liefie does not know the meaning of stealth mode.  This lovely little rocket is no simpering wallflower fading into the background, no sir.  Liefie can not be ignored.  So, if you see Liefie darting around your area, give her a wave.  She’s extremely busy doing very important beer work and any and all happy acknowledgment thereof is greatly appreciated.  And, if you’re lucky, you may even get to spot those Extra-Liefly sunglasses somewhere behind the windscreen.

We Liefmans You!


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