April, 2014 | Belgian Beer Company Belgian Beer Company
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Monthly Archives: April 2014

International Belgian Beer Day

belgian beer day 1Friday 4 April is International Belgian Beer Day!!!  And, apart from the fact that it’s celebrating Belgian Beer on a worldwide level, it doesn’t even matter where you might be and you can still celebrate it in complete Belgian style!

Touching down in Tokyo?  Japan is one of the biggest sellers of Vedett in the world!  Lunching in London means you can lounge with a la Chouffe.  And, of course, here in Cape Town you can choose from any of the Belgian Beer Company outlets, or just get your own, grab some frites and mayo and make a Cape Town moment with your Duvel Moortgat beer of choice.

Duvel in handAlternatively, have a look at www.belgianbeerday.com and add your favourite Duvel spot to the list of places to be on Friday.  Wherever Friday may take you, make sure you celebrate it with the very best of the Belgian beers – those that fall into the Duvel Family, of course!  D

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