October is here! Let the Beer celebrations commence! We are all fully aware that October is the month of Beerfest and accompanying merriment. But, before becoming overly buoyant with the beery bubbles, let’s try to truly savour those first few beers and respect and value the craftsmanship that went into the brewing of them.
As with any quality alcoholic beverage, ensuring the correct accompanying glassware will completely heighten the enjoyment and satisfaction of the drink. Each Duvel Moortgat beer has it’s own accompanying glass to further highlight each respective brews’ personality. In addition to using the correct glass – the actual pouring of the beer will also greatly impact the drinking quality of each beer.
To get the beer rolling, though, take a look at the following YouTube clip. It gives a fantastic overview and superb insight on how to ensure the perfection of your Duvel stays, well … perfect!