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Monthly Archives: June 2017

Yebo Yell’oh!

Have you yet, met … Yell’oh? Yelloh 14

Let me waste no time in introducing you, then…

Everyone … meet Yell’oh.

Yell’oh … meet Everyone.


There you go.  Sorted. yelloh 12


Bringing a scintillating spark to the world of Beer, is the incredibly exciting new addition to the Liefmans Family of Duvel – that of the extremely UN-mellow … Liefmans Yell’oh!



Yelloh 7

Sunny, summer days are brought to life to titillate us in this weird and wonderful South African winter, as this Happy new Kid on the Block transports us to Tropical Isles with its exotic mix of Pineapple, Lime and Apple – peppered with bites of Basil and Elderflower.  However, do not let the Elderflower in any way deceive you – this bubbly, fruity Beer is not for the shy and retiring wallflower types, but for those who enjoy bursting forth and living life in full colour!

Yelloh 6Yelloh 9


Yelloh 13

Interestingly … this sensational next big thing in Beer does seem to be begging the question from some – Beer, or not Beer?  It would seem that the jury is out.  With fantastic fortune for all of us, though, is that this jury duty is not reserved for a select few, but is open to all and sundry to serve and decide, and to openly and freely discuss to your heart’s content.  The decision, happily, is Yours!

Yelloh 5


Yelloh 8


So, dust off that Hammock and grab some warm attire – it’s time for Liefmans Yell’oh, Best served On The Rocks … with some Rocking Company!



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