Feeling a bit in the dark over how to warm up these days? Looking for a little light at the end of the dark and dreary load-shedding tunnel? We have the best winter warmer here for you! Liefmans on the rocks … hot rocks, that is!
Hot off the ship is Liefmans GlÜhkriek. The beer world’s answer to glÜhwein. And just in time, too, with our winter kicking in fast and furiously now. Think deep, ruby reds with heady and tart sweetness and honey aromas, rounded off with a treasure trove of cinammon, clove and faint ginger spices. Can you hear the fire crackling as you pour your glass of heated GlÜhkriek? Comforting, warming and wonderful.
The head of the GlÜhkriek is not the usual “stand up and take notice” sort that we know and love with the Duvel Moortgat beer family, as the carbonation disappears when the beer is warmed. Instead, it is a frothy pinkish foam that lightly laces the surface of the warmed beer.
It is based on the Liefmans Goudenband with the addition of North cherries, and serving it warm simply serves to increase depth of flavour ten-fold. Liefmans GlÜhkriek has a deliciously soothing spice flavour that lingers upon swallowing and it is smooth and rich, with a lovely, creamy texture. This is a sensationally seasonal beer that is a no-questions-asked definite for your must-have list of beers.