April is the month for … this year’s Duvel Tripel Hop reveal! And, of course, 2015’s version has not disappointed. In fact, it should come as no surprise that Duvel Tripel Hop 2015 has had completely the opposite effect – beer Aficionados the world over are hugely excited over the latest addition to Duvel’s family of brews!
The 2015 Equinox Edition has seen the Master Brewers at Duvel selecting the Equinox hops, a new variety from the US. The Equinox hop is beautifully complex, with aromas ranging from bright blueberry and citrus to herbal and woody, with hints of fresh green pepper top notes popping through. The Equinox hop is added to Duvel again during “dry-hopping”, which involves adding whole-cone hops to the fermentation tanks.
This results in additional hop aromas being extracted into, and infusing with the beer, without adding any additional bitterness.
Duvel Tripel Hop 2015 pours soft and hazy yellow, with a huge white head. It is everything you’d expect from Duvel … with that special 3rd element that makes it even more unique. Refreshing. Crisp. Distinctive. Superb.